Thursday, February 21, 2013

In Time

By: Alicia Benefield
Art is something that I considered beautiful upon immediate viewing. Sometimes you have to really look at a work of art to see the beauty in it. Everyone has their own view as to what they see as art or beauty for that matter. The piece In Time, to me was beautiful at inspection.
In Minds Sculpture by Tonu Cragg
I was looking at it from across the street and I thought “who on earth would put these two pieces of metal on the street for people to see, this is awful”. I crossed the street and took another gander at it and got another view. This view was absolutely lovely; every time I walked around this piece I saw something different. The long neck of an African sculpture including her chin and the top of her bosom was at one side. The other looked like mounds of boulders stacked on top of each other. I had passed this particular piece a few times and had never even paid any attention to it until the tour. I walked around the two sculptures a few times to really study them. The middle and the top of the thinner sculpture looked like stacked plates. If you looked at the same piece it reminded you of an Aztec sculpture. From across the street the two pieces did look like two different sized test tubes.
Everyone evokes a different emotion when they view “art”. Some people don’t see a need for art, and believe it is absolutely ludicrous. I think that there is a need for art, visual art for that matter. The act of creating these wonderful pieces gets out pent up energy that is inside of the artist. It may keep them sane or insane for some. What you get out of a painting or sculpture is up to you, after all beauty is in the eye of the beholder.