Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Sky Lobby

By: Caleb Moore
Houston is the fourth largest city in the United States of America, right behind New York, L.A., and Chicago. With all big cities comes a magnificent skyline with striking beauty that will leave an impression on anyone who sees it. This is no different when looking at the Houston Skyline. In downtown Houston, located at the corner of Travis and Capitol Street, lies the prominent, 75-story JPMorgan Chase Tower. When walking up to the front door of the Tower, you feel an overwhelming sense of how small you actually are. After walking through the glass doors and enter into the lobby there are six metallic elevator doors that go to only one place… The Sky Lobby.
The Sky Lobby
Press the elevator call button, step on, and get ready for a quick ride to the 60th floor of the Tower. As the elevator shoots up to the lobby in the sky, you can hear the air rushing past, you can almost hear a whistle sound from the wind, and your ears begin to pop. Until, finally you reach the vantage point. As the doors open you see the light entering the room from the glass wall, you know you have reached The Sky Lobby. While walking out of the elevator, you see a miniature version of the Personage and Birds, the art statue at the entrance of the Tower, along with multiple red bromeliads in low lying pots. From the look out point, you get a striking view of pieces from the Theatre District and many other architectural achievements.
Though many structures make up the skyline of Houston, the JPMorgan Chase Tower offers a unique birds-eye-view. When people come together and create a towering metropolis, they also created a view everyone should see.